Marine Hydraulics adrian 4 November 2022

Marine Hydraulics

High quality vessel maintenance is the foundation of a safe and effective voyage. MD Engineering takes the approach of understanding the vessel requirements, investing time in planning and preparing before executing the work. We understand the dependency of a successful voyage on a well maintained vessel.

Asset Management

Our engineers are available for hose registers on vessels which are useful for scheduled maintenance and any required future planning. Logging the condition of hoses and keeping track of works completed supports efficiency by reducing the risks of re-work, and ensuring that nothing is missed.

Scheduled Maintenance

Our professional team aim to carry out comprehensive vessel maintenance works to maintain efficiency and reduce unexpected downtime or potentially serious consequences. Some of the services MD Engineering undertake during scheduled maintenance is hydraulic cylinder overhaul, tube bending and installation, pump replacement, hose replacement, filtration system maintenance, loop testing on pumps and hoses, hose manufacture and crimping.


We help our clients with unexpected repair requirements.

Emergency Breakdown Response

Repairs can be organised for most port stops in Australia. Get in touch to explore how we respond in various locations, which unexpected port calls arise.


Working closely with our manufacturing partners and we offer hose manufacture, crimping, testing and installation.

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